Proactively Addressing Mobile Threats

a close up of a keyboard with a fingerprint on it

More and more employees are using their smartphones and other portable devices in order to work on off-site projects, at home, or simply on the go.  While this has greatly increased productivity in many respects, there are inherent dangers in essentially allowing access to corporate systems to go out the office door, with very little to safeguard this access.  Any organization that allows their staff members to either use their own mobile devices for work-related activities and/or who issues mobile devices to their staff for external use should ensure they have an all-inclusive policy to cover usage and security practices. This will help protect individuals and companies from mobile threats.

External Threats

So what are some of the issues that can arise from the use of mobile devices used for corporate activities?  Regardless of whether an employee is using their own device or a corporate one, it is very easy for any of the following to occur:

  • a device is lost or stolen,
  • downloading of questionable 3rd party apps,
  • sharing of devices with unauthorized people,
  • and/or using unprotected Wi-Fi sources.

If any of these situations occur, unless protective measures are already in place, corporate data can easily fall into the wrong hands.  In addition to the expenses incurred from cleaning up a data breach, are other costs such as loss of trust and potential litigation from clients, and loss of public reputation as a trustworthy source of products and/or services.

Policy Solutions

A good mobile device policy will cover two key areas, and both must be addressed proactively, rather than after the fact.  The first part of the policy is put into place by IT administrators.  Their responsibilities include:

  • remotely locking lost or stolen devices,
  • creating and enforcing proper password and encryption policies,
  • discovering and restricting tampered devices,
  • and ensuring corporate data is removed from personal devices upon employee termination.

The second part of the policy pertains to instructing employees on the proper use of their mobile devices.  Employees need to follow certain protocols including:

  • reporting lost or stolen devices immediately,
  • following their employer’s policy on downloading 3rd party apps,
  • following password and Wi-Fi policies,
  • and not sharing their devices with family members or other external parties.

By creating a proactive and comprehensive mobile device policy, employees will thoroughly understand what their employer expects of them and IT administrators will be able to quickly resolve issues if they arise.  Using this two-pronged approach maximizes the ability of any business to properly secure both corporate and client data.  Please contact us if you would like more information on how to properly institute a mobile device security policy to protect your organization’s essential data.

Computer Tip of the Day: Knowing Your Computer

a man sitting at a desk using a laptop computer

Computer terminology can be confusing, especially for those who have not worked with computers very much. There is an advantage to knowing your computer. When computers break down, it can save time and money to have an understanding of their individual components. This is due to the fact that a technician might not have to be paid to resolve the problems. Research on the internet can be done to find solutions to computer problems using the names of computer parts as keywords in an internet search.

Sometimes knowing the parts of a computer isn’t enough. It helps to learn how to interpret error messages and error codes that a computer spits out. Computer error code details can usually be searched on the internet to learn more about what the error code means.


When troubleshooting a computer regardless of whether it’s a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone, 8 separate parts should be kept in mind. That is a power supply, hard drive, RAM, CPU, motherboard, keyboard, mouse, and screen. This is necessary because if one does not know the difference it will be more difficult to obtain help on free computer-help forums. Additionally, to search keywords on the internet in general.

For example, the display that allows one to see data stored on a computer is called the monitor or screen. When an error code is displayed on the screen, it would cause confusion to say, “My hard drive is giving me a certain error code,” or, “My screen has a computer virus.” It’s a common issue that the different parts of a computer are confused. The recommended terminology is to say, “My screen is displaying an error code”. Also giving specific details of the error code. Although the source of the problem might originate with the computer’s hard drive, the error code for that will typically be displayed on the screen.

Please contact us so that we may help sort out any issues with your computer.

Are You Thinking About Using A New MSP?

two people shaking hands in front of a laptop

You are aware that you need some help with your business’s network and technology. You have already reached out to professional Managed Services Providers (MSPs) and had your first consultation. Now, you are hoping to find a solution that will put your business on the path to greatness. You are also probably looking for advice on how you can run your current technology more effectively and efficiently.

An MSP can help solve the problems you are having. However, in order for you to receive a positive outcome, you should take the necessary time to prepare for a relationship with a new Managed Services Provider. Working with an MSP will become one of your business’s latest investments. You want to make a great investment, right? You should take some time to gain a better understanding of your technology.

Preparing for Transition

If you are thinking about using a new MSP then this likely means you are already aware that your business needs to make improvements. You probably also have an understanding of where the concerns are. When you are able to give the Managed Services Provider a clear context of your business and its concerns, they will be able to use their professionalism and experience to determine what problems need to be addressed first. This is why it is essential that you are able to provide a list of problems you are having with your technology and your networks.

While it is important that you have an understanding of your network and your technology, it is also important that you are able to explain what direction you want your business to go. Some businesses are only concerned with ensuring their computers are operating well enough to get the job done. However, your technology can offer more than you may be using it for.

Technology should be used as an essential and strategic business tool. With the right managed services solution, you will be able to give yourself a great advantage over the competition. Are you ready for your business technology and networks to take your business to the next level?

Contact Bluwater Technologies today.

Computer Tip of the Day: Computer Speed

three computer monitors sitting side by side in front of a city

When a new business ventures out or when an older business requires renovation of their policies and procedures for better productivity, the owner would ideally have operations running smoothly before proceeding with normal business activities. This is especially true with regard to obtaining and maintaining equipment. This includes desktop computers, laptop computers, phones, printers, scanners, and other common technology necessities.

The last thing any business needs while dealing with its customers is to get “stuck upstream without a paddle,” as the old adage says, and lose out on potential business prospects and loyal customers due to preventable problems. Though some difficulties cannot be avoided, as is the case within most businesses, there is a way to minimize the overall impact.

Improving Computer Speed

A common and frequently misunderstood problem that can be mitigated, if not outright eliminated, is slow computers in the business. The problem of slow computer speed within the business infrastructure can be attributed to many things. Things that a tailored IT support plan could serve to eliminate. Addressing this problem saves time, which in turn saves money. For instance, when a new computer is purchased, it typically comes with a lot of preinstalled software. This is called trial software, a lot of which is never used. The unused software running in the background of the computer can noticeably slow it down. Excessive software installations can also cause a computer to outright break down.

Another common facet contributing to slowness is computer hardware. One might have scored what appears to be a good deal on a laptop. However, why was it such a good deal? Is there a catch? Could it be lacking something? Computers are often sold with an amount of RAM memory insufficient for what the user needs to accomplish her specific tasks within a reasonable time. Obtaining assistance to add more RAM memory to the computer can make a world of difference.

In summary, an employee could spend more time at a computer waiting for the computer to work than producing for the company. This could be due to unneeded software, insufficient hardware, or a combination of both.

Please contact us so that we may help mitigate these potential issues.

You vs. the Hackers – Small Business Security

a man sitting in front of a laptop computer

Small Business Security

Large business data breaches, such as last year’s Equifax hack, always make headlines. However, small and medium-sized businesses are also vulnerable to data hacks. That is unless they put thoughtful security measures in place.  Even smaller businesses typically hold private information about their employees such as SSN, date of birth, family members, and other private information that hackers love.  Other private data such as email addresses, credit card and banking information, and other information about clients is typically gathered and stored by smaller businesses, just like major corporations.

In some cases, hackers deliberately target smaller businesses in the hopes their security defenses are not as robust as some of the larger targets.  In this post, we will outline some potential weaknesses that smaller businesses need to address so they can prepare a hacker-proof plan that will help safeguard them against potential threats.

PoS Systems

If your organization uses a point-of-sale system, unless properly secured, a hacker can try to use it to make unauthorized credit card charges.  These types of systems come with preloaded software that is easily hacked into through an unsecured access point.

Unsecured Wi-Fi

Some smaller businesses like to offer public Wi-Fi access in the hopes of garnering more customers.  However, this type of access should never be used to conduct any real corporate activity.  If an organization wants to offer public Wi-Fi, that’s fine. However, employees need to understand they should never use it for work-related activities. Even if secure company systems are down temporarily.


Hackers especially like to target websites that gather credit cards and other personal information.  They might also attempt to find loopholes allowing them to gain access to company databases.


Hackers still attempt to confuse employees by creating seemingly legitimate emails. This is an attempt to convince them to click on links leading to malicious sites. Or to impart private company information to untrustworthy sources.

Other Hardware

If the only thing between corporate data and a hacker is a four-digit password on a mobile device, the potential for hacking is enormous.  Especially if businesses do not enforce password policies, access to company data may be as easy as entering “1234” in a screensaver.  Hackers also look for vulnerabilities in servers and PCs in order to steal admin passwords and/or inject malware.

Clearly, every business needs to ensure a thorough IT security solution is part of the bedrock that forms their company foundation.  For more information on a total security solution, please contact us.