5 Ways to Maximize Your IT Budget

a woman stacking coins on top of a table

Savvy companies understand that leveraging the latest technologies can keep them one, perhaps even several steps, ahead of the competition. The key is to select those technologies that are proven to provide the best return for one’s investment. In this post, we will outline 5 concepts every company will want to consider as they create a comprehensive IT budget that works best for them.

Hire the Experts

The old adage “a company is only as good as its people”, is certainly true when it comes to selecting the right IT professionals to work for a company. Whether an organization decides to hire IT staff that will work in-house, or whether they decide to outsource their IT department, investing in knowledgeable IT staff is a must.

Ensuring Proper Security

One of the ways in which companies can ensure they are hiring the right IT personnel is to determine whether or not these prospective professionals understand just how vital data security is to every single organization. Any prospective IT employee or organization should be the first to initiate a conversation about data security because yes, it’s that important.


Companies will also want to consider employing some of the many “Internet of Things” technologies that could be a smart addition to their budget. Some companies may have a greater need for IoT than others, but at minimum, every company that operates out of a physical building may want to take advantage of technologies such as:

  • Security sensors
  • Smart doors
  • Smart HVAC control sensors

Moving to the Cloud

Many companies find that moving their IT operations to the cloud is both cost-effective and provides greater flexibility to their employees, as the only thing they need to plug into corporate software is an internet connection. Companies can also easily scale up or scale down their cloud use to better match both their busy and slow seasons. This means paying only for what a company truly needs in terms of IT services.

Leverage Big Data

Being able to analyze and create an overall corporate picture from disparate bits of data can help companies see where they are doing well, and where they need to focus their attention in order to improve. Big data concepts can help organizations accomplish precisely this.

If you would like to know how to select the right technologies in order to maximize your IT budget for the year, please contact us.

Computer Tip of the Day — How to Disable Automatic Update In Windows 10

a computer desk topped with two monitors and a keyboard

One of the new features of Windows 10 is that it automatically updates itself, and there is no real way to turn it off in the Home version. Although updating your Windows system is crucial to staying safe in the cyber world, there are times when automatic updates aren’t wanted. For example, if you have work to finish at a certain deadline, you don’t want to have to sit through an update and reboot. It’s also bad if you have a limited or slow internet connection and you want to wait until you get to a quicker internet connection before you update. Here’s how to get around the automatic update feature.

Set Your Network as Metered

Cellular networks and mobile hotspots are automatically set as metered, but you can set any Wifi connection as metered. Metered connections won’t download updates automatically. Go to your Wifi settings, click on Manage Known Networks, choose your network, and click on Properties to do this.

Change Reboot Hours

If you go to your Updates settings, you can set hours when Windows won’t automatically restart. Just set the hours that it should restart, which can be at night. However, your computer will have to be powered on then for the update to be installed. It also won’t stop the update from downloading during your non-active hours — it just won’t reboot then.

Show or Hide Update Tool

There is a show or hide update troubleshooting tool that you can download from the Microsoft website. Using this tool, you can set certain updates to be hidden. Hidden systems and driver updates won’t be downloaded automatically.

For more computer help, just contact us!

Economic Use of Funds

a person holding a tablet with a map on it

Deciding which types of computers and software to purchase for a business environment is a painstaking task. However, it does not have to be tedious. Understanding what is available is probably half the battle of figuring out what is best suited for economic and business needs. For example, there is fancy (relatively expensive) computer hardware that can be purchased for a business and there is less-than-fancy (less expensive) hardware that can be purchased for a business that can do just as good of a job as the fancy.

Apple products and various other manufacturers are commonly compared with much hype being placed on Apple products. While some may argue that the more expensive equipment is “better”, that does not necessarily mean that it does a better job. Furthermore, the specific task that the computer is being used for must be considered. There’s no need to buy an expensive computer if all one needs it for is simple printing jobs.


Computer software is very much like computer hardware in that there are relatively expensive software products that accomplish a specific goal needed by the user. However, less expensive and less hyped software can accomplish the same goal. Microsoft Word is a good example of this. Microsoft Word is a type of “word processor” software that allows typing and editing of documents. Although Microsoft Word is a good product, there is free word processor software that can be downloaded from the internet. It can also be installed without much hassle. It accomplishes the same goal as the more expensive and hyped counterpart. Examples of free word processor software that can be downloaded from the internet are Open Office and Kingsoft Office.  

As one can see, a little knowledge of what’s available can light the way to help maintain a company’s budget.

Please contact us for assistance in determining an economic plan for obtaining computer hardware and software.

Computer Tip of the Day: Security

the word security is displayed on a computer screen

Do you frequently find yourself wondering how a hacker could launch a devious assault on your computer? Do you know what warning signs to look for? If you don’t, isn’t that OK? Isn’t it normal to not know? Yes, it is normal…however, in today’s world of ever-evolving threats to the security of your computer, your data, and your personal security, you need to know what the signals of a potential attack could be.


Now, you might think of your email as your friend, after all, isn’t it how you communicate with your family, friends, and coworkers? How could something you use as a medium of communication with the most important people in your leaf be used against you? Unfortunately, email is a favored weapon in a hacker’s arsenal. An attacker can obtain your email address in many ways, but ultimately how your cyber assailant obtained your email doesn’t matter, what matters is that attackers can and do learn your address, and can send you malicious emails.

Never open an attachment or respond to an email from someone you don’t know, some of these emails can be outrageously easy to detect as a potential attack, but some may seem quite legitimate, and can even appear to be from people you know, ranging from Grandma to a coworker. Just open the attachment if you are expecting to receive it, or can confirm it is from the person it claims to be from.


So, now that you have learned about the dangers that emails can bring, it is time to learn about the dangers associated with programs that claim to be one thing…but are often another. One of the most common are programs that claim to clean up your computer or make it run faster. While these programs may claim to be beneficial, and can even do what they claim, they are quite nefarious and are a trojan horse that a cunning attacker can use to gain access to your computer.

While antiviruses and programs that speed up your computers are most often found to be malicious, these types of programs can take any form, some even claim to be legitimate programs such as Microsoft Word, or a major browser. Always download your programs from an established source, and do some research on the program before your download!

Physical Security

Finally, we reach the most basic, but most commonly overlooked form of security, physical security. Have you ever walked away from your computer where someone else can have unauthorized access? Do you have a simple, easy-to-guess password? It only takes a minute for someone to quickly guess your password and access data on your computer, or for someone to simply walk away with your prized computer, and everything on it. Once an attacker has physical access to your computer, it becomes a walk in the park for him to cause damage.

The modern digital landscape is awash in pitfalls, traps, enemies, and dangers of all sorts. Ranging from email to trojan horse programs, to someone physically threatening your computer, there are innumerable methods attackers can use. However, if you take basic security measures to protect your security and privacy, you will make an attacker’s job much more challenging. Even if your computer becomes compromised, contact us here at Bluewater Technologies and we will set up our expert team to work on preventing and cleaning up any mess that your assailant has made! 

Clean Your Cache!

a computer monitor sitting on top of a desk

Has your favorite browser been running slow lately? Not loading pages? Not updating the web-based application you use daily? Popping up errors when you try to input data in an online form?

All of these issues can be caused by a lack of maintenance of your cache files.

What are Cache Files?

Think of cache files as copies of your activity online. Every website you go to leaves information on your hard drive — the current version of the page or web-based application, data you share or enter, log-in information and more — to make any subsequent return visit faster and more user-friendly.

Why Should I Clean My Cache?

Imagine your internet connection is a tube. Every time you go to a website, a brick is laid inside that tube. At first, there’s no issue and your internet continues to perform optimally. However, the more places you go, the more cache collects, until your access to the internet slows down to a trickle, causing pages and/or photos not to load, search engines to fail, and more.

Cleaning out your cache files on a regular basis will prevent such issues.

Do I Need a Professional?

In most cases, absolutely not. This is something you can easily do yourself! Each browser has a different process to clean out cache, though, so check out the links below for your preferred browser:

Like most people, you probably have more than one browser on your computer. You just have to perform this clean up in one browser to eliminate unnecessary cache.

What If My System is Already Slow?

Cleaning out your cache is the ideal first step forward. Once you’ve cleared everything out, close your browser and restart your system, as some files can linger after they’re removed in the browser and will only permanently disappear once you’ve done a restart. Then your internet experience should be smooth sailing.

Performing this maintenance on a routine schedule will keep your internet access flowing, your data safe and save space on your computer, making for a happy user experience.

Need more help? Contact us.