Upgrading the Small Business

a woman in glasses is looking at her cell phone

Successful businesses usually start off as visions to be realized only through a duration of hard work. Regardless of whether the business is started in the home or in a more industrialized area, however, a successful business will generally grow and when that happens, in most cases, the computer technology needs of the business will change — computer equipment will need to be upgraded. Entrepreneurs, particularly those running relatively small businesses, typically start off with gear that’s being stored in a closet or already sitting on a desktop. If there’s strong speculation that profits will be coming in or that upgrading equipment will help generate more profit, it’s time to upgrade computer equipment. 

Coming to an understanding of what equipment is needed does not have to be a painstaking task. Neither does learning how to use it. Learning to use computer equipment could be considered a business expense at first, whether it’s time or money being spent. But once minimal knowledge is obtained, it will pay off in the long run. Consequently, saving costs on having to outsource technical support to computer-support firms. There is no exact science, however, on how or when the assistance of computer-support technicians may be used. Through self-study, one may learn what is needed only as it becomes necessary. Whatever the case, the internet is generally the best friend of the small business owner when starting the business. A plethora of information exists therein that can save on having to consult computer-help firms.

Managed Services

In many cases, entrepreneurs starting out don’t have time to research some of the money-saving bits of information that can be obtained from the internet to efficiently run the computer equipment they’re using. In some cases, self-managing computer equipment can also bring on damaging results. This is due to a general lack of insight as to how the technology works. Bluewater Technologies specializes in starting, building, and upgrading successful businesses. Please contact us if assistance is needed in the management of computer equipment.

Managed Antivirus

a group of business people gathered around a laptop

In this age of the internet, the world is entrenched in various types of threats targeting computer users. It seems inevitable that most people will be concerned to some degree about whether their personal information will be stolen. Then, used as an avenue by criminals to steal identities or directly steal money, to say the least. The powers that be have enacted laws and recommended precautions to mitigate the risk of falling victim to various types of computer fraud. However, while awareness of computer crimes has risen, complacency should not prevail. A proactive approach is generally recommended when dealing with the risk of falling victim to computer crimes. Thus, sometimes it’s easier to allow third parties to help with managed antivirus.

Common sense helps a great deal to avoid falling victim to computer crimes. However, installing and maintaining what is called an antivirus security suite can pick up any slack that a computer user might overlook. Sometimes, while carrying out their busy schedules, people can get tired. Thus, cut corners, and use computers for tasks that carry higher security risks. Furthermore and typically, many people do not have the time to research how to use their antivirus suites after purchasing them. Antivirus software installed on a computer can become a heavy burden on computer users not only because they’re not familiar with the basics of how the software works but also because, if not configured properly, can “slow” a computer down and make it run sluggishly. 

Managed Antivirus Services

As an alternative to computer users installing and managing antivirus software themselves, companies can be hired. They will install and manage the software on their behalf — this is a managed approach. This way, those desiring to use antivirus software can rest assured knowing that professionals are dealing with the situation. Additionally, using more of a proactive approach to protecting computers. Rather than waiting for a computer to be “hacked”, only then to take action. 

There are various types of antivirus solutions available and some of them come in a managed type of package. Please contact us if this type of approach is desirable and assistance is needed in determining a suitable approach to computer security.

IT Support: Protect your Small Business

a woman in glasses is looking at her cell phone

Often times, the largest holes in a business are created by employees. There is no surefire prevention method for employee errors. This is why one small or big human error can cause a breach of security. In order to reduce any risks in your workplace, Bluewater Technologies wants to suggest some policies. You should consider implementing these if you want to protect your small business.

Protect your Small Business Data

Do you allow your employees to complete work-related assignments on their own devices? Whether you do so or not, it is still important that your workplace has a policy regarding BYOD. If you have some employees who are not fully aware of where the company stands on bringing their own devices, you may have some who are using their own devices. Establishing a policy for BYOD and adding it to an updated handbook will leave no doubt about where you stand on BYOD. You should also make sure your employees understand that data on any workplace system belongs to the business. Employees will not be able to remove any data from the business properly without being authorized to do so. 


We know there have been many discussions about passwords and the importance of creating one that is complex. Unfortunately, many employees still create passwords that are easy for someone to hack. If your business does get hacked due to an employee using a simple password, the entire business will be at stake. A password policy can explain the importance of complex passwords. Additionally, encourage your employees to avoid using passwords that are easy to crack.

World Wide Web

Employees spend quite some time on the Internet on a daily basis. In order for you to ensure none of your employees are putting your business at risk, we encourage you to create an internet policy. Your policy prohibits any downloads that have not been authorized or it can restrict various websites during work hours. You may also want to include policies related to using business laptops, mobile devices, etc. on networks outside of the workplace. Especially if those networks are public.

We understand how complex it can be to create internet policies, password policies, and more. However, taking the steps to ensure your business is safe is important to keep hackers away. If you think your business needs to make changes in regards to security practices or if you need proper IT support to protect your business, do not hesitate to contact us today.

Economic Use of Funds

a person holding a tablet with a map on it

Deciding which types of computers and software to purchase for a business environment is a painstaking task. However, it does not have to be tedious. Understanding what is available is probably half the battle of figuring out what is best suited for economic and business needs. For example, there is fancy (relatively expensive) computer hardware that can be purchased for a business and there is less-than-fancy (less expensive) hardware that can be purchased for a business that can do just as good of a job as the fancy.

Apple products and various other manufacturers are commonly compared with much hype being placed on Apple products. While some may argue that the more expensive equipment is “better”, that does not necessarily mean that it does a better job. Furthermore, the specific task that the computer is being used for must be considered. There’s no need to buy an expensive computer if all one needs it for is simple printing jobs.


Computer software is very much like computer hardware in that there are relatively expensive software products that accomplish a specific goal needed by the user. However, less expensive and less hyped software can accomplish the same goal. Microsoft Word is a good example of this. Microsoft Word is a type of “word processor” software that allows typing and editing of documents. Although Microsoft Word is a good product, there is free word processor software that can be downloaded from the internet. It can also be installed without much hassle. It accomplishes the same goal as the more expensive and hyped counterpart. Examples of free word processor software that can be downloaded from the internet are Open Office and Kingsoft Office.  

As one can see, a little knowledge of what’s available can light the way to help maintain a company’s budget.

Please contact us for assistance in determining an economic plan for obtaining computer hardware and software.

Data Security Methods

a pair of glasses sitting on top of a laptop computer

The internet is a commodity with several different ways of accessing it — but be careful. Although the internet is easy to access, one may be exposing personal information in ways that compromise data security.

Some of the most common ways that people can access the internet are through cellular technology, WiFi, and dial-up. However, dial-up internet users are dwindling. With the threat of cybercrime on the rise, these avenues through which the internet is accessed should be evaluated periodically for security holes by which criminals attempt to take advantage of the privacy of internet users. Evaluating data encryption (security) options and determining a budget for it can be daunting. Consider the scheme below to exemplify this point.


Accessing the internet through WiFcan be done in one of two basic ways with regard to security. One way is if the WiFi network being used requires a password to access it. This password implies that data on the WiFi network is encrypted. Therefore protected from prying eyes, for the most part. However, once the data leaves that network and goes out to the internet, it can be open for anybody to see depending on the website being accessed — websites using addresses with the prefix ‘https‘ are safe to use (the ‘s‘ must be there). 

No Password

The second way of accessing the internet through a WiFi network is if no password is used. Data therein will be open for everyone to see all the way through to the destination. However, if the websites accessed use the ‘HTTPS in the prefix of the website address, the data will be protected all the way through. Regardless of whether a password is required to access the WiFi network.  

The above is simply stated regarding the security of WiFi data transfer. Even within this simple description, one can see that protecting computer data over a network and the internet can be complicated. Different networks used to access the internet, other than WiFi, can require different types of encryption protocols. This depends on what the needs of a user or business are.  It might be best to acquire the services of professionals to assist in the process. 

Please contact us for assistance in determining appropriate data security and transfer methods.